Creating the perfect donut: Tips and tricks from the experts

Ah, the humble donut. Few treats can bring as much joy as biting into a perfectly crafted ring of dough with that soft, pillowy texture and just the right amount of sweetness.

But what does it take to create the perfect donut? We’ve enlisted some experts to share their top tips and tricks for making mouthwatering donuts at home. Whether you’re a seasoned baker or a beginner, these tips will help you elevate your donut game to the next level.

Start with the right ingredients

First things first, you need to start with high-quality ingredients. “Good ingredients are the foundation of any good pastry,” says Sarah Levy, owner of Sarah’s Pastries & Candies in Chicago. Use fresh, unbleached flour and real butter to get the best flavor and texture.

Levy also recommends using cake flour instead of all-purpose flour to make the donut dough. “Cake flour has less protein than all-purpose flour, which results in a softer, more tender crumb,” she explains.

Pay attention to the temperature

Temperature is crucial when it comes to making perfect donuts. According to Emily Elsen, co-founder of Four & Twenty Blackbirds bakery in Brooklyn, the dough should be kept as cool as possible while you’re working with it.

“When the dough gets too warm, it becomes difficult to handle and the doughnuts won’t hold their shape,” Elsen explains. “You want to keep the dough chilled so that it stays firm and easy to work with.”

On the other hand, the oil used for frying needs to be hot enough to cook the donuts quickly and evenly. “The key is to get the oil to about 375°F,” says Levy. “If the oil is not hot enough, the donuts will absorb too much oil and become greasy and heavy.”

Let the dough rest

Another important step in making perfect donuts is allowing the dough to rest. “When you mix the dough, the gluten starts to develop and the dough becomes elastic,” explains Elsen. “If you try to roll it out or shape it right away, it will spring back and won’t hold its shape.”

Letting the dough rest for at least 30 minutes allows the gluten to relax and makes it easier to handle. “This also gives the yeast time to do its job and the dough will become more flavorful,” Elsen adds.

Experiment with flavors and glazes

Once you’ve got the basics down, it’s time to have some fun with flavors and glazes. “Donuts are a canvas for creativity,” says Levy. “You can play with different spices, citrus zest, nut flours, and fancy salts to create unique and exciting flavors.”

When it comes to glazes, Levy suggests adding a touch of salt to the recipe to balance the sweetness. “You can also experiment with different types of sugars, such as brown sugar or honey, to create interesting depth of flavor,” she adds.

Practice, practice, practice

Finally, the key to creating the perfect donut is to practice, practice, practice. “Don’t get discouraged if your first batch doesn’t turn out perfectly,” says Elsen. “It takes time and practice to get the hang of the process, but once you do, the rewards are well worth it.”

So go ahead, give it a try! With these tips and tricks from the experts, you’re well on your way to creating mouthwatering, drool-worthy donuts that will impress your friends and family.

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